AI in China - Recent History, Strengths and Weaknesses of the Ecosystem

AI in China – Recent History, Strengths and Weaknesses of the Ecosystem

At a recent United Nations conference in Shanghai I discussed critical topics on the Chinese AI ecosystem. This article clearly and elaborately outlines perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese AI ecosystem, based on my interviews and discussions with various Chinese NGOs, founders, and investors.

Machine Vision In Pharma - Current Applications

Machine Vision In Pharma – Current Applications

Business leaders in pharmaceuticals may be concerned with how machine vision will affect their operations in the clinical and scientific departments more than those of packaging and administration. However, prioritizing these types of operations may not provide the ROI as it’s hyped up to be. Instead, there are many possibilities for machine vision in pharmaceuticals related to packaging, shipping, and data entry.

Should I Go to an AI Event - How to Decide Which Events to Attend

Should I Go to an AI Event? How to Decide Which Events to Attend

Should I attend an artificial intelligence event or not?

What event should I go to?

Should I go to this event?

Will Artificial Intelligence Form a Singleton or Will There Be Many AGI Agents? - An AI Researcher Consensus

Will Artificial Intelligence Form a Singleton or Will There Be Many AGI Agents? – An AI Researcher Consensus

In this installment of the FutureScape series, we discuss what our survey participants said when asked whether AI will unite or fragment as it develops, and the reason behind their answer.

Success Factors for AI Business Models - A Venture Capitalist's Perspective

Success Factors for AI Business Models – A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective

Episode Summary: Saying that your company does artificial intelligence might still have a slightly cool ring to it if you're talking to one of your peers at a conference, but it doesn't mean very much to venture capitalists today, who've been battered with machine learning and artificial intelligence in every pitch deck they've seen for the last three or four years.

AI in the Asian Insurance Sector - Current Applications

AI in the Asian Insurance Sector – Current Applications

AI applications for the insurance industry have certainly garnered a lot of press lately. We’ve previously covered such applications in the American and European insurance spaces. Countries in Asia such as China and Japan have large insurance industries and seem to have established national AI strategies.

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Artificial Intelligence in the Military – An Overview of Capabilities

We researched the military and defense space to discover how and where AI is utilized today by the world’s militaries and intelligence organizations as well as the capabilities artificial intelligence could bring to the sector shortly.

Predictive Analytics in the Pharma - Current Applications

Predictive Analytics in Pharma – Current Applications

It may feel as though AI applications like machine vision and natural language processing hold the most potential value to pharmaceutical companies because of their capabilities to intake and transform unstructured medical data. This is especially true with machine vision, as medical imaging data can be used across multiple departments when analyzed by AI software.

The Competitive Dynamics of AI - Now and in the Future (AI Zeitgeist 7)

The Competitive Dynamics of AI – Now and in the Future (AI Zeitgeist 7 of 7)

We’ve made it to article seven of seven in this “AI Zeitgeist” series. It’s been a while building up to this, and I’ve kept the competitive dynamics of AI as the topic of this seventh article because to me everything builds up to this.

How We Will Reach the Singularity

How Will We Reach the Singularity? – AI, Neurotechnologies, and More

In this installment of the FutureScape series, we discuss what our survey participants had to say about how we'd reach the singularity.