Artificial Intelligence in the US Army - Current Initiatives

Artificial Intelligence in the US Army – Current Initiatives

The idea of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the military scares many people in the US, especially when it comes to the Army. The US Army typically operates on the ground, and so it may be uncomfortably closer to home for some people.

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Data Dominance – How Companies and Countries Win with Artificial Intelligence

In 2016 and 2017 I spoke with dozens of venture capitalists, many of whom have a specific and overt focus on artificial intelligence technologies. I wanted to know what made an AI company worth investing in, and what business models were generally the most appealing for investment.

Artificial intelligence for government surveillance

Artificial Intelligence for Government Surveillance – 7 Unique Use-Cases

It isn't surprising that many Google search results for "artificial intelligence for government surveillance" involve China. The consensus is that China is either catching up or overtaking the US in AI research, and it's quite open about using AI for government surveillance of its own people.

Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Banking - Current Applications

Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Banking – Current Applications

AI software for corporate banks is not too different from those for retail banks, although their data requirements and intentions for the software will differ. AI vendors currently selling to banks typically have clients covering all types of banking, but few specify any of their solutions to be for corporate banking specifically. Instead, they market themselves across the entire industry and give corporate banking details where appropriate.

AI, Security, and the Virtual World Programmatically Generated Everything 950x540

Beyond Deepfakes – AI, Security, and Programmatically Generated Everything

Deepfakes have made their way onto the radar of much of the First World.
As with many technology phenomena, deepfakes have their origins in pornography editing (the Reddit page that originally popularized deepfakes was banned in early 2018).
In April of this year, I was asked by UNICRI (the crime and justice wing of the UN) to present the risks and opportunities of deepfakes and programmatically generated content at United Nations headquarters for a convening titled: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Reshaping the Future of Crime, Terrorism, and Security.
Instead of speaking about the topic, we decided it would be better to showcase the technology to the UN, IGO, and law enforcement leaders attending the event. So we took a video of UNICRI Director Ms. Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas, and created a deepfake, altering her words and statements by using a model of her face on another person.
This project involved a tight time schedule, very little budget for the project, and only one minute of data. Programmatically generating video and voice with open-source technology isn’t easy with these limitations, but the video came out reasonably well all things considered. After the initial demo is a breakdown of the broader concerns of programmatically generated content, which will be the focus for the bulk of this essay:

AI Search Applications for Compliance, Contracts, and Human Resources

AI Search Applications for Compliance, Contracts, and Human Resources

There's an entire artificial intelligence ecosystem for enterprise search. Most of this is in a purely digital world. Most vendors help with a layer of AI-enabled search that understands terms or phrases and is able to return the results or answers to questions that someone types in. But the problem is compounded when it comes to searching the physical world.

Artificial Intelligence in the Chinese Military - Current Initiatives

Artificial Intelligence in the Chinese Military – Current Initiatives

The Chinese military, or People's Liberation Army, is focusing heavily on artificial intelligence. However, China's race to develop "smarter," cheaper AI technology for the military is not linear, but instead a many-pronged strategy that involved the central government, domestic companies, and international trade. Gregory Allen of the Center for a New American Security published a report on China's AI strategy, in which he said:
Chinese military leaders increasingly refer to intelligent or “intelligentized” military technology as their confident expectation for the future basis of warfare. Use of the term “intelligentized” is meant to signify a new stage of military technology beyond the current stage based on information technology.
He also reported that “total Chinese national and local government spending on AI to implement these plans is not publicly disclosed, but it is clearly in the tens of billions of dollars.”

Machine Learning in Healthcare Cybersecurity - Current Applications

Machine Learning in Healthcare Cybersecurity – Current Applications

The healthcare industry holds perhaps the most responsibility of any industry when it comes to ensuring data privacy. A breach in electronic medical records (EMRs) could tarnish a healthcare company's reputation, put undue stress on patients, and render the company in violation of regulations.

The USA-China AI Race - 7 Weaknesses of the West

The USA-China AI Race – 7 Weaknesses of the West

The great power nations that master the use of artificial intelligence are likely to gain a tremendous military and economic benefits from the technology.
The United States benefitted greatly from a relatively fast adoption of the internet, and many of its most powerful companies today are the global giants of the internet age.
When it comes to its technological and economic future, the US generally believes:

Information Extraction in Banking - Compliance, Contracts, and More

Information Extraction in Banking – Compliance, Contracts, and More

Large banks deal with millions of documents every day across their corporate offices and numerous branches. Although one might assume that these documents are digital, in many cases, even the largest banks store old physical documents in file cabinets and boxes off the bank’s premises, and even those that are kept on-site might be relegated to storage units amongst hundreds of thousands of other documents.