AI-Based Document Digitization - An Enterprise Guide

AI-Based Document Digitization – An Enterprise Guide

Many of the key processes in industries such as banking and insurance are still done on paper. That said, many large enterprises seem to be in the process of digitizing parts of these processes in order to prepare for forays into automation and artificial intelligence. 

Finding AI Trends

3 Ways to Discover AI Trends in Any Sector

Business leaders, managers, and consultants with an eye on AI aren’t just trying to learn what AI can do, they’re trying to discover ways to gain an AI advantage.

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AI Frameworks for Success – Bring Value to Any AI Initiative as a Non-Technical Professional

This is the second article in our "AI for Career Acceleration" series - be sure to read the first installment (and watch the video on that page).

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The AI Career Gap – AI Knowledge as a Career Accelerator

Last month we ran a podcast series on the AI in Industry podcast on the theme of “Advancing Your Career in the Era of AI”, with a focus on how non-technical professionals can become more valuable in the market, and can become involved in AI projects and initiatives, without ever learning to code.
I received twice as much feedback on this series as any other series we’ve ever run on the podcast - which surprised me.
It surprised me because I think about everything on as being useful for nontechnical professionals. We’ve built our editorial calendar and our products around the needs of nontechnical professionals who want to make the most of their careers, but this recent series spoke to that topic directly.
But hitting directly on the theme of “Advancing Your Career in the Era of AI” clearly hit a cord.
For that reason, I’ve decided to release a three-part video and article series on that same topic, breaking down the lessons that were most important for me - and sharing a bit of my own story going from small-town martial arts instructor to international AI speaker and strategist.
Before getting into the small-town martial arts instructor part, I’d like the share a pivotal Silicon Valley conversation that changed the course of my career:

What Are Chatbots? - An Informed Definition With Use-Cases

What Are Chatbots? – An Informed Definition With Use-Cases

A chatbot is a prominent type of AI application used by a variety of businesses for resolving issues related to conversations between the business and its customers, clients, staff, or business partners.

Top 5 Most Well-Funded AI Startups In Banking - Common Themes

Top 5 AI Startups in Banking by Funding – A Brief Overview

There are numerous AI vendors servicing the banking industry, but many of them lack the kind of funding that these five vendors have raised. In this article, we run through the top 5 AI vendors in banking by funding according to information on Owler. We provide an overview of their products and the AI tech that makes them possible.

How Healthcare Leaders Can Get Started With Artificial intelligence

How Healthcare Leaders Can Get Started With Artificial Intelligence

This article was written by Sergii Gorpynich, co-Founder and CTO at Star, co-written by Perry Simpson, Managing Director of Star, and was written, edited and published in alignment with our transparent Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about reaching our AI-focused executive audience on our Emerj advertising page.

Artificial Intelligence for Anti-Money Laundering - An Analysis of Solutions

Artificial Intelligence for Anti-Money Laundering – An Analysis of Solutions

Money laundering is a financial fraud method unique to what AI vendors and other solutions providers refer to in their “fraud detection” offerings. This is because the technique centers on making fraudulent money transfers that appear to be validated by two willing parties.

The SDGs of Strong Artificial Intelligence

The SDGs of Strong Artificial Intelligence

While it is difficult for people to agree on a vision of utopia, it is relatively easy to agree on what a “better world” might look like.
The United Nations “Sustainable Development Goals," for example, are an important set of agreed-upon global priorities in the near-term:

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Anomaly Detection in Banking – An Analysis of 2 Top Vendors

Several high-profile banks are leveraging anomaly detection solutions for fraud and anti-money laundering. While some banks and AI firms provide information on how their solution works or how their chosen solution worked for them, it can be hard to determine which ones are successful today.