What Banking Leaders Think About AI - And What They're Missing 950x540

What Banking Leaders Think About AI – and What They’re Missing

The AI conversation has made it into the C-suite at large banks. Leaders from Citi to JP Morgan are considering how to respond to their competitors' press releases and looking to craft winning AI strategies and adopt low-hanging fruit AI applications in their business.

Emerj at the Launch of the OECD AI Policy Observatory in Paris

Emerj at the Launch of the OECD AI Policy Observatory in Paris

Event Title: Launch of the OECD AI Policy Observatory

Event Host: OECD

How New AI Companies Can Compete with Established Players 950x540 (1)

How New AI Companies Can Compete with Established Players

The artificial intelligence space is increasingly competitive with new AI companies and products being developed every day. Every industry is getting more and more crowded with products from startups and from established companies.

Machine Vision in Retail - Current Use-Cases and Applications

Machine Vision in Retail – Current Use-Cases and Applications

The retail industry collects massive amounts of data every day, and this makes its key processes ripe for automation with machine learning. Along with the manufacturing sector, the retail industry likely stands to benefit the most from one particular AI technique in the next few years: machine vision, also known as computer vision.

The AI Product Manager - A Key Role for the Future of AI Deployment

The AI Product Manager – A Key Role for the Future of AI Deployment

In the 1990's, Ben Horrowitz described a product manager as follows:
"A good product manager is the CEO of a product."
That definition isn't always a perfect fit, but it can be a good way of summarizing the responsibilities of a product manager; they are wholly in charge of bringing an in-house product from inception to generating an ROI. 

The Unique Requirements and Considerations for AI in Robotics

The Unique Requirements and Considerations for AI in Robotics

Applying AI to the real world is much more difficult than applying it in digital ecosystems; this is what makes robotics use-cases in business so much more difficult than applications such as AI-enabled fraud detection.

The ROI of Machine Learning - 3 Strategies for Measurable Results

The ROI of Machine Learning – 3 Strategies for Measurable Results

Many business leaders make the mistake of believing that AI and machine learning are like regular IT, but this could not be further from the truth. In large part, this is because, unlike simple software solutions for discreet business problems, it can be very difficult to measure the ROI of machine learning.

AI Hardware Challenges and Considerations in the Enterprise

AI Hardware Challenges and Considerations in the Enterprise

Large enterprises are eager to use artificial intelligence software, but many of them aren't aware of the hardware required to execute many AI capabilities. To get a better idea of these hardware considerations, Emerj spoke with Victoria Rege, Director of Alliances & Strategic Partnerships and Graphcore, for Kisaco Research's AI Hardware Summit in Europe, which takes place October 29 - 30 in Munich, Germany.

5 Ways Banking Chatbots Improve Customer Experience

5 Ways Banking Chatbots Could Improve the Customer Experience

In banking and finance, chatbots have the potential to improve the customer experience by allowing customers to check their account balances, transfer money, learn about interest rates, change their billing addresses, and more.

Weaponized Artificial Intelligence – Critical Dual-Use Applications

Weaponized Artificial Intelligence – Critical Dual-Use Applications

This article is based on a presentation given by Emerj CEO Daniel Faggella in Geneva, at the 2019 New Shape Forum: Weapons Governance for the Geneva Disarmament Platform. To learn more about Emerj's AI presentations and speaking, visit our presentations page.