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Artificial Intelligence at FedEx – Two Current Use Cases

Federal Express, or simply ‘FedEx,’ is an American multinational conglomerate shipping and logistics company founded and based in Memphis, Tennessee. The company is perhaps best known for its flagship FedEx Express service, which the company claims “invested express transportation.”

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Insider Trading Prevention – 4 AI Use Cases in Banking

In June 2014, a bombshell study from researchers at New York and McGill Universities found that a quarter of all mergers and acquisitions of public companies between 1996 and 2012 involved some measurable degree of insider trading.

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Chatbots for Banking Customer Service/Customer Experience – A Review of Current Applications

Chatbots have been a fixture of customer service life for the past few years and in the public eye for nearly a decade. Unfortunately, chatbots have garnered a reputation in that time as a generally mediocre technology, or otherwise the apex of merely a passing fad.

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Artificial Intelligence at Pfizer – 3 Use Cases

Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) is an American pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation based in New York City. The company accrued $81.29 billion in revenue last year, currently holding rankings of 46th on the Fortune 500 and 49th on the Forbes Global 2000 lists. 

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Healthcare AI Use Cases and Trends – An Executive Brief 

Healthcare is an increasingly complex sector of the global economy, and AI is playing an active role in the worldwide evolution of the industry throughout its many disciplines. In a Deloitte study released earlier this year, 85% of respondents among healthcare business leaders said their enterprise was increasing AI spend before 2023. 

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The Future of Remote Work in Banking – 3 AI Use Cases

Banking is an industry well-known for its robust office culture. Even though banks performed incredibly well during the pandemic – record profits despite global uncertainty – some prominent banking leaders wanted their employees back in the office. Unfortunately for these leaders, they are fighting a losing battle. 


Internal Conversational Agents in Banking and Financial Services – with Dr. Tanushree Luke, Head of AI at US Bank

In the wake of COVID-19, conversation agents remain a huge focus for financial institutions looking to maintain and winning market share through a seamless digital experience for the customer, not to mention cost savings in branches and personnel. Though that interest is growing far beyond customer experience with the promise of spare banking use cases hinting that conversational AI can also help streamline internal processes between departments for employees. 


Banking AI Use Cases and Trends – An Executive Brief

Until recently, research has shown that banking companies have been somewhat hesitant regarding the business value of AI. A proliferation of external evidence indicates that the trend is quickly changing. According to a recent report by The Economist, 85% of IT executives in banking said they “had a clear strategy” for AI adoption in 2022. 


Bringing NLP to Banking – with Sudhanshu Sawlani of ING  

AI is coming to banking and picking up speed. In a 2020 survey conducted by PwC Research, banks cited increased productivity and efficiencies, just ahead of revenue growth, as their top goal for their AI initiatives. 


Banks vs Fintechs: The Battle for Customer Experience – with Lee Smallwood of Citibank, Hivemind

Following nearly a decade of rampant cybersecurity events and subsequent negative press, successful AI use cases in fraud detection and data security are catching the collective eyes of investors and boardrooms across fintech. There are signals that demand for cyber security solutions might be currently peaking as the FBI recently reported an increase in online security complaints of only slightly over 300,000 from 2019 to 2020.