Podcast #36 - The Investor's Perspective: Key Focus Areas for Any Bootstrapped Startup with Graham Lawlor

Podcast #36 – The Investor’s Perspective: Key Focus Areas for Any Bootstrapped Startup with Graham Lawlor

In this episode, I interview Graham Lawlor, Founder/CEO of Ultra Light Startups. In this interview - Graham Lawlor gives his thoughts on individual founders vs. startups founded by teams and shares what he believes to be the most important focus areas that any bootstrapped startup should have right out of the gate.

The Gateway to Advanced Neuroprosthetics: Jessica Feldman talks BrainGate and BCI

The Gateway to Advanced Neuroprosthetics: Jessica Feldman talks BrainGate and BCI

If the human brain is considered a computer, what does that mean for science and our lives? Could we repair damaged areas, replace damaged parts, or even upgrade our own minds? It might sound like little more than the stuff of science fiction, but with current advances in brain-machine interfaces, science fiction is fast becoming science fact.

Engineers Build Brain-controlled Music Player

Engineers Build Brain-controlled Music Player

Imagine if playing music was as simple at looking at your laptop screen. Now it is thanks to Kenneth Camilleri and his team of researchers from the Department of Systems and Control Engineering and the Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics at the University of Malta, who have developed a music player that can be controlled by the human brain.

3 Plug-and-Play Email Marketing Tips from Database Marketing Expert Arthur M. Hughes

3 Plug-and-Play Email Marketing Tips from Database Marketing Expert Arthur M. Hughes

There's a lot of flashy terms around startup marketing these days. From "growth hacking" to "scalable marketing," the name might change but the idea remains the same: To drum up more business. Arthur M. Hughes has been drumming up business for decades with some of the world's largest and most respected companies. From IBM to Nestle', Arthur's helped set up databases for companies with massive market share, and he's helped them market "at scale."

Podcast #35 - Email Marketing Tips for Startups Featuring Arthur Hughes

Podcast #35 – Email Marketing Tips for Startups Featuring Arthur Hughes

In this episode, I interview Arthur M. Hughes, Founder of The Database Marketing Institute and author of  Strategic Database Marketing.  In this interview - Arthur talks about his groundbreaking strategies for intelligent email marketing.

Micro Bio-bots Designed to Deliver Drugs

Micro Bio-bots Designed to Deliver Drugs

In the not-too-distant future, doctors may be able to treat cancer with targeted drugs, delivered by minute "bio-bots," that swim throughout the human body. The tiny machines are inspired by sperm, are a hybrid combination of live heart cells and synthetic polymer body.

Know Your Ecosystem: Josh Maher On Connecting with Angel Investors

Know Your Ecosystem: Josh Maher On Connecting with Angel Investors

One of the most exciting aspects of the current entrepreneurial ecosystem is the opportunity to showcase your product or service at an event. Just a decade ago, there were few options in terms of events geared toward showcasing startup offerings, and finding a way to showcase your product was a real challenge. Today, so many different events exist that it can be hard for a startup to know which events will best allow them to showcase their product and connect with angel investors.

Can Crowd-Sourcing Beat Wall Street? An Interview with Thinknum cofounder Justin Zhen

Can Crowd-Sourcing Beat Wall Street? An Interview with Thinknum cofounder Justin Zhen

Months ago we featured Jessica Richman of uBiome on Emerj, which ended up leading us down a string of interesting startup emails related to "crowd sourcing." uBiome is aiming to crowd-source information about human health and our native bacteria (much as 23 and Me is aiming to do in genetics), Ivo Georgiev's project Proteo.me is designed around the gamification of combining existing proteins, and the list goes on.

Podcast #34 - Facebook Marketing for Startups Featuring Justin Brooke

Podcast #34 – Facebook Marketing for Startups Featuring Justin Brooke

In this episode, I interview Justin Brooke, Founder of IMScalable and renowned Media Buyer & Consultant. Justin talks about his strategies for setting up Facebook campaigns & implementation tips for Startups to effectively leverage Facebook ads to scale their customer base and revenue.

Rhode Island Takes a Swing at an Innovation Ecosystem - with URI's Dr. Anthony Wheeler

Rhode Island Takes a Swing at an Innovation Ecosystem – with URI’s Dr. Anthony Wheeler

Dr. Anthony Wheeler got into management consulting because he wanted to help people, and to solve problems. Believing that academic work might allow for a more direct way to guide his work towards fixing issues and finding opportunities he wrapped up his PhD in business at the University of Oklahoma. Oddly enough, the position he found for himself is in the state that we might argue to be most in need for "help" on the entire east coast: Rhode Island. I sat down with the University of Rhode Island's energetic Dr. Wheeler to talk about how RI is aiming to overcome it's limitations, marshall it's resources, and remain an active home of business and innovation.