'Space Hacking' – How to Open Up Citizen Science and Get Us to Space – with Ariel Waldman

‘Space Hacking’ – How to Open Up Citizen Science and Get Us to Space – with Ariel Waldman

Ariel Waldman loves space, and once wanted to work for NASA. Badly. So badly, in fact, that NASA could sense it when they read her letter to them – stating that she wanted to be involved in any way. Though she got to learn about dark matter and black holes, and though she got to send objects into space, she realized she didn't need NASA for this job.

Dr. Gholson Lyon – Genetic Research and its Application in Today's Health Care System

Dr. Gholson Lyon – Genetic Research and its Application in Today’s Health Care System

Dr. Gholson Lyon is a psychologist, speaker and researcher at Cold Spring Harbor. He is outspoken about the impact of genomic research in the medical world. In this episode, we talk about the impact of genetic research and integrating of the personal genome in the coming five years.

Converstion Rate Optimization for Startups – with Peep Laja of ConversionXL

Converstion Rate Optimization for Startups – with Peep Laja of ConversionXL

Peep Laja has worked with large and small companies to help them convert more visitors to leads and buyers. As co-founder of the firm Markitect, he's seen it all, and he breaks down the common mistakes that startups make when split-testing. My guess is that if you're a founder or marketer, you're making these same errors – here's how to convert MORE.
For more information, visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property:
Check out this episode on Libsyn.

Augmented Reality Might Hit 'Blue Collar' First – with Augmate CEO Pete Wassell

Augmented Reality Might Hit ‘Blue Collar’ First – with Augmate CEO Pete Wassell

There's a lot of talk about Augmented Reality, and when it might become "mainstream." Many leading experts believe that workers who are in front of "screens" all day (office and desk workers) might not be the first to be immersed in augmeted reality – it might just be the mechanic and the warehouse worker wearing headsets and seeing holographic displays in front of them. Augmate CEO Pete Wassell talks about his predictions.

Podcast #51 - The Dynamics of Global Collaboration for the Greater Good – with Howard Rheingold

Podcast #51 – The Dynamics of Global Collaboration for the Greater Good – with Howard Rheingold

Howard Rheingold has a knack for understanding the future. In the 1980s he wrote Tools for Thought, a book about the personal computer and the coming era of mind-expanding technology, and recently he's published Net Smart about how humanity can help itself through collaboration on the web. He teaches a class on collaboration at Stanford, and in this episode, shares some of his biggest lessons about the past and potentially revolutionary future of how humans share and collaborate to make everyone's life better.

So you Want to Be a Venture Capitalist? An Interview with David Beisel

So you Want to Be a Venture Capitalist? An Interview with David Beisel

Starting a new company is challenging, exhilarating and something you never forget. It can also be very rewarding. In 1999, David Beisel co-founded the email marketing company Sombasa Media. After a successful exit, he shifted in the the venture capital world, spending three years with Venrock. Nowadays, Beisel is co-founder and partner at NextView Ventures, a seed-stage venture capital firm that invests in internet-enabled startups. Beisel specializes in helping entrepreneurs build successful digital media and internet companies.

#MindControl: BCI Games For Autism Spectrum Disorder

#MindControl: BCI Games For Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that affects a child's ability to communicate and interact with others. Symptoms also include repetitive behaviors and activities. The CDC estimates that 1 in 68 children are affected by ASD.

3 Latest News Breaks in Emerging Tech – July 14, 2014

3 Latest News Breaks in Emerging Tech – July 14, 2014

Google Glass Adds Mind Reading App

Google intends to make mind control a thing of the present by introducing a new app for Google Glass. Daily Digest News announced that the company has collaborated with UK tech startup The Place in the development of a new app that allows users to take photographs and share them online simply by thinking. The aptly named MindRDR, receives information from an EEG headband and translates it into instructions, which are sent back to Google Glass. As the user focuses, a white line appears on the display screen. The line grows as the user concentrates, when it's full, the built-in camera will take a picture.

How Visions of the Future Can Mold Reality: An Interview with Ariel Waldman

How Visions of the Future Can Mold Reality: An Interview with Ariel Waldman

Whether it's literature, science fiction movies or other forms of art, can the visions of a possible future actually help to mold or influence actual future outcomes? According to Ariel Waldman, people do look to fiction as a means of stimulating change.

#MindControl: Translating Brain Signals to a Voice Synthesizer

#MindControl: Translating Brain Signals to a Voice Synthesizer

Within the rapidly growing field of brain-computer interface (BCI) research, we have already begun to see devices that can help amputees control prosthetic limbs and paraplegics move their hands and arms just by thinking, but the latest BCI research involves giving speech to patients who are unable to voluntarily vocalize.