Gaming for the Greater Good

Gaming for the Greater Good

Timing and cultural circumstances are makers and breakers of successful commercial endeavors.  For Dr. Jeff Orkin, co-founder of the new company “Giant Otter Tech”, it seems both elements are in his favor.  Gaming and virtual environments have made waves in the last few years, and Orkins’ vision for his company lands right in the cross-section of the exploding artificial intelligence industry and education in a media-driven world.

Petri-Dish Burgers – A Step in the Right Direction for Mankind?

Petri-Dish Burgers – A Step in the Right Direction for Mankind?

Sustainable fast food.  This idea seems a closer reality, with the first stem-cell-grown ‘burger’ put on a plate for taste-testing this week as related by a blog post from NPR’s the salt.  The verdict?  A bit of an unnatural experience, all around; however, the implications are profound, reflected by the interest and support of Google co-founder Sergei Brin, who stated that this is a technology that has the potential to change “how we view the world.”

Sentient World Simulation

Sentient World Simulation and NSA Surveillance – Exploiting Privacy to Predict the Future?

One of the major headlines in recent news is Edward Snowden's revelation of documents which prove that the US government is using high-tech software to gather massive amounts of private information on every-day Americans.

Biotechnology IPOs Are All of a Sudden Cool in 2013

Biotechnology IPOs Are All of a Sudden Cool in 2013

The IPO scene in Biotechnology after 2008 was nearly non-existent, and even last year there were less than a dozen altogether. After Cellular Dynamics International went public in June, five life sciences companies began trading in the same week.