Why We Must Hardware AI if We Want to Sustain the Human Race - A Conversation with Louis Del Monte

Why We Must Hardwire AI if We Want to Sustain the Human Race – A Conversation with Louis Del Monte

Episode Summary:
Is it possible to make AI friendly to humans via software or will we have to hardwire consideration for humanity into an advanced AI? Louis Del Monte, best-selling author and expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence, argues the latter. In this discussion, Del Monte talks about how he came to these conclusions and wrote a book on the topic, in part inspired by a particular AI study that provoked his grave concern for where AI may take us in the future.

5 Short Videos of Killer Robot That Have a Reasonable Chance of Making You Lose Sleep

5 Short Videos of Killer Robot That Have a Reasonable Chance of Making You Lose Sleep

There's hardly any theme more played out than the Skynet scenario when it comes to robotics. While military robots (and the AI required to provide them with the kind of autonomy) is likely an impossibility at least in the next decade, the last decade of  AI and robotics are impressive, and worth checking out.

To Get Real with Artificial Intelligence, Take Off the Hollywood Fear Goggles

To Get Real with Artificial Intelligence, Take Off the Hollywood Fear Goggles

Episode Summary: Dr. András Kornai wants to put emphasis on the real and near-term ethical considerations around AI. In this interview, Kornai peels off the Hollywood myth "layers" around consciousness and AI in order to spotlight the very real, present, and advancing algorithms. He explains how such algorithms, which are slowly taking over the financial, medical, and automotive industries, are increasingly relevant as machines start to govern and make more decisions in our everyday interactions.

AI is Colorizing and Beautifying the World 2

AI Thinks Like a 4-Year Old…Powering Planes and Dishwashers is Next – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 10-10-15

1 - Artificial intelligence is the next major wave of computing, Android creator says

This Might Be the Real Tragedy About Elon Musk's Fears of Artificial Intelligence

This Might Be the Real Tragedy About Elon Musk’s Fears of Artificial Intelligence

It was nearly a year ago when Elon Musk likened artificial intelligence to "summoning the demon." The complete over-quoted quote from his 2014 talk at MIT is as follows:

Tuning the Keys for Robot Harmony - Future Automations with Daniel Berleant

Tuning the Keys for Robot Harmony – Future Automations with Daniel Berleant

Episode Summary: Daniel Berleant is an expert in information science and artificial intelligence, and is the author of the book The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen  - and What to Do. In this interview, we discuss how robots and automation are already affecting industry, and how these impacts might shape not only the future landscape of our economy, but also our conception of what it means to work and earn a living.

This Startup Suggests Their AI Personal Assistant Passed the Turing Test

AI Keeping it Better Than Real – Upticks in Communication, Medicine, and Automation – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 10-03-15

1 - Apple Acquires Artificial-Intelligence Startup VocalIQ
Apple announced its purchase of VocalIQ Ltd., the U.K.-based software developer that is working natural language AI for better interactions between humans and machines. Initial application is Apple's virtual assistant Siri, which will help improve voice command learning and response. The technology could potentially be applied to future technologies such as autonomous cars; VocalIQ last year worked with General Motors Co. on a voice-control systems for cars' navigation and entertainment systems.

How Unconsciousness and Technology Shape Our Chaotic Worlds - With Katherine Hayles

How Unconsciousness and Technology Shape Our Chaotic Worlds – With Katherine Hayles

Episode Summary: Katherine Hayles is best known for her work as a postmodern social and literary critic. Now a professor at Duke University, Hayles joins Emerj for a discussion about the difference between consciousness and cognition, from the features that differentiate the two to the types of technologies that facilitate each. Hayles contributes her views on how the technologies of the future may impact human consciousness and the very role of human beings.

AI Gets Smart with SAT, but Tussles with Pac Man - This Week in Artificial Intelligence 09-26-15

AI Gets Smart with SAT, but Tussles with Pac Man – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 09-26-15

1 - Here's what Facebook's artificial intelligence expert thinks about the future

Screw Electric Sheep! Androids Dream of People Zoos...

Screw Electric Sheep! Androids Dream of People Zoos…

Where will mankind be in 2050? Out colonizing Mars? Perhaps collectively uploaded to an artificial neural network? According to a semi-intelligent android, we may well be the subjects of his people zoo.