Artificial Intelligence and Security: Current Applications and Tomorrow's Potentials

Artificial Intelligence and Security: Current Applications and Tomorrow’s Potentials

Security is a broad term, and in industry and government there are a myriad of "security" contexts on a variety of levels - from the individual to nation-wide. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are being applied and developed across this spectrum.

Network Intrusion Detection Using Machine Learning

The Business Value of Unstructured Data with Loop AI Labs’ Patrick Ehlen

Episode Summary:  Our guest in this episode has spent a large part of his life on figuring out how to make machines more intelligent. Loop AI Labs' Chief Scientist Patrick Ehlen has worked on a number of important projects, from DARPA projects to big-company AI solutions at places like AT&T. Loop AI works on getting AI to make sense and meaning of information the way that humans do, like making meaning of unstructured text. Ehlen talks about the potential business applications for this technology and where it's making way its way into industry. Ehlen also touches on the implications for developers in the nascent AI field - like Loop AI - that are vying to implement its technology as an industry standard, and how such organizations will have to market themselves and deliver services to develop a thriving AI ecosystem.

Fed Gov Speaks Up on HAVs, Google's Allo Chats Smarter, and More - This Week in Artificial Intelligence 9-23-16

Fed Gov Speaks Up on HAVs, Google’s Allo Chats Smarter, and More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 9-23-16

1 - Self-Driving Cars: Feds Release Long-Awaited Rules

On Tuesday, the federal government released its long-anticipated new rules for self-driving cars. In a press release, U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx stated,
“Automated vehicles have the potential to save thousands of lives, driving the single biggest leap in road safety that our country has ever taken.”
The guidelines are flexible and meant to evolve as the technology behind autonomous cars advances. While the suggested framework will be assimilated into state rules on regulation of human drivers, registration, traffic laws and enforcement, insurance and liability, the federal government foresees the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintaining control of regulation of motor vehicles and equipment, a move meant to encourage innovation but also set a bar for safety standards. The new 103-page policy includes a 15-point safety standard for "highly automated vehicle" (HAVs) manufacturers.

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What is Machine Learning?

Typing "what is machine learning?" into a Google search opens up a pandora's box of forums, academic research, and false information - and the purpose of this article is to simplify the definition and understanding of machine learning thanks to the direct help from our panel of machine learning researchers.

Why Big Data in Business Still Needs Human Intuition 2

Why Big Data in Business Still Needs Human Intuition

Episode Summary: For some companies, big data remains an abstraction; for others, it's an integral part of the lifeblood of a business. Mat Harris is vice president at Sojern, a travel marketing platform that has leveraged big data to grow $3 billion in bookings and 1/3 of a billion traveler profiles across its platform. In this episode, Harris speaks about how Sojern and other businesses are using a combination of their data and other sources of data (what he calls third and "second" data sources) in order to make informed marketing decisions and better market their services to buyers. Harris sheds light on the direct ROI for big data in different businesses, and it's an interesting episode from the perspective of an executive who is using big data to make decisions on business directions.

MIT's New Language for Big "Sparse" Data, Uber's Self-Driving Debut, and More - This Week in Artificial Intelligence 09-16-16

MIT’s New Language for Big “Sparse” Data, Uber’s Self-Driving Debut, and More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 09-16-16

1 - 10 Later-stage Startups Join the Seattle Machine Learning and Data Science Accelerator

Investing in Artificial Intelligence - With Motus Ventures' Robert Seidl 2

Investing in Artificial Intelligence – With Motus Ventures’ Robert Seidl

Episode Summary: Companies looking to raise money are often asking what investors think of their company, their industry, and how they're making investment decisions in related companies. In this episode, I ask these questions of Robert Seidl, who is managing partner of Motus Ventures, an investment firm focusing funding early-stage software companies for autonomous Vehicles and the IoT. Seidl talks about various data sources and the people and networks from which investors draw information when they don’t have what they need on-hand, but need to make important investment decisions. He also shares his perspective on the high-energy and competitive investment world of AI, including his thoughts on the most exciting (and confusing) areas in the industry today.

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Machine Learning in Robotics – 5 Modern Applications

As the term "machine learning" has heated up, interest in "robotics" (as expressed in Google Trends) has not altered much over the last three years. So how much of a place is there for machine learning in robotics?

The Future of Chatbots and Personal Assistants at Nuance's AI Lab 3

The Future of Chatbots and Personal Assistants at Nuance’s AI Lab

Episode Summary: This week's interview was recorded live at Nuance's Silicon Valley office with guest Charles Ortiz, director of the AI and Natural Language (NL) Processing Lab for Nuance Communications in Silicon Valley. In this episode, Ortiz speaks about what he sees as the most important developments in natural language processing (NLP) over the last few years, what advancements brought us to where we are today, and where progress might take NLP in the coming years ahead (both at Nuance and beyond).

DeepMind Speech-to-Text Mimics Humans, Michigan Votes Yes to Driverless Vehicles, and More - This Week in Artificial Intelligence 09-09-16

DeepMind Speech-to-Text Mimics Humans, Michigan Votes Yes to Driverless Vehicles, and More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 09-09-16

1 - WaveNet: DeepMind's Generative Model for Raw Audio

On Thursday, researchers at DeepMind introduced WaveNet, a "deep generative model of raw audio waveforms" that moves forward how sound is generated in text-to-speech (i.e. speech synthesis). The deep learning-based model is able to generate both increased human-like sounding speech  (DeepMind claims it has reduced the gap with human performance by over 50 percent), as well as music and other audio signals. WaveNet is different from the latest parametric TTS models because it directly models raw waveforms, as opposed to generating sound by passing outputs through vocoders (signal processing algorithms). On their blog, DeepMind provides both a link to their paper, as well as WaveNet sound clips of speech (in English and Mandarin) and generated piano music.