When it comes to social media, women rule tech:
New research shows that women use social media in greater numbers and more often than men. Research also indicates they are more likely to use social media on mobile platforms, and to interact with brands. With the changing face of technology, are female-focused startups the wave of the future?
Computer program uses sound to give “sight” to the blind:
Using an algorithm developed in the early 90’s, neuroscientist Amir Amedi have developed a program that uses sounds to give blind individuals “sight.” As assistive technologies continue to progress, are they headed for wider market applications?
14 years after mapping human genome, Scientist responsible says age of Genomic Medicine finally dawning: (This Reuters article is no longer available)
Craig Venter, one of the two scientists responsible for mapping the human genome, says that the age of Genomic Medicine is finally dawning. With lower-cost genomic sequencing and success in “narrow corners of medicine,” Venter believes we are at a tipping point. Are Genomic Medicine startups the future of bio-tech?
Researchers Recycle Plastic into 3-D Printer “ink”:
With 3-D printers becoming more accessible to consumers, one of the largest costs is the high-density polyethylene many use as “ink.” Now, researchers from the Michigan Technological University are making the case that recycling plastic containers might provide a low-cost solution, and transform both 3-D printing, and the recycling industry.
Ben Horowitz gives the unvarnished picture of what it’s like to be a venture capitalist:
In a field dominated by rosy startup accounts, Ben Horowitz’s new book reads more like a war story. Horowitz, whose firm funded startups like Facebook, Skype, and Twitter, shares four crucial lessons for startups and venture capitalists.