AI Articles and Analysis in Retail

New Challenges in Fraud Risk and Prevention for Retail and eCommerce-min

New Challenges in Fraud Risk and Prevention for Retail and eCommerce – with Leaders from Riskified, eBay, and Comcast

Fraud remains one of the most significant challenges in the fast-paced world of eCommerce, impacting merchants and customers alike. A recent literature review featured in the Nature scientific journal showcases how a broad concensus of academic research agrees that fraud is a significant and multifaceted issue affecting various industries, from finance to healthcare and beyond.

Transforming the Enterprise-Level Customer Experience with AI@1x

Transforming the Enterprise-Level Customer Experience with AI – with Jason Aubee of TechSee

Contact centers play a crucial role in delivering exceptional customer experiences (CX) across industries, both B2c and B2b. As customer expectations elevate, organizations increasingly leverage AI to streamline operations and enhance customer service. According to recent reporting in the MIT Technology Review, enterprises generally deploy AI to transform contact centers, usually taking the form of intelligent virtual assistants to obtain predictive customer insights as well as for dispute and fraud management. 

final-updated-Approaching Life Sciences and Retail Challenges from a Data Perspective – with Alberto Rizolli of V7

Approaching Life Sciences and Retail Challenges from a Data Perspective – with Alberto Rizzoli of V7

Problems in different industries can look quite similar when looked at from the perspective of data. Though diverse business problems originate from distinct domains and needs, they often share a common thread and solution. – 002 – Retail AI Use-Cases and Trends – An Executive Guide-min

Retail AI Use Cases and Trends – An Executive Brief

Retail has been undergoing a digital transformation for some time. Most of us have seen the gradual macroeconomic effects of this change, from the increasingly empty malls to the shuttering of once-prosperous brick-and-mortar stores.

Fighting Retail Fraud with Personalization and Classification AI Tools@2x-min (2)

Fighting Retail Fraud with Personalization and Classification AI Tools – with Experts from Instacart, Etsy, and Gap Inc.

This article is sponsored by Riskified, and was written, edited and published in alignment with our transparent Emerj sponsored content guidelines.