AI Articles and Analysis in Pharma

Reducing Hallucinations and Streamlining Drug Discovery Workflows with Generative AI@1x

Reducing Hallucinations and Streamlining Drug Discovery Workflows with Generative AI – with Asif Hasan of Quantiphi

This interview analysis is sponsored by Quantiphi and was written, edited, and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

AI Opportunities for
Life Sciences R&D-1

AI Opportunities for Life Sciences R&D – with Andrew Bolt of Deloitte

This interview analysis is sponsored by Deloitte and was written, edited, and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

01 – Building Trust in Data Science in Life Sciences@1x-min

Building Trust in Data Science in Life Sciences – Bikalpa Neupane of Takeda Pharmaceuticals

AI and data science have seen increased use in life sciences, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. However, despite the multitude of AI use cases, pharmaceutical companies tend not to embrace every emerging AI trend eagerly. 

Automation and Beyond
for Sales and Marketing
in Life Sciences-1

Automation and Beyond for Sales and Marketing in Life Sciences – with Mark Miller of Deloitte

This interview analysis is sponsored by Deloitte and was written, edited, and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

Artificial Intelligence at IQVIA@1x-min

Artificial Intelligence at IQVIA

IQVIA is a Fortune 500 health information technology (HIT) and clinical research company that provides advanced analytics, technology solutions, and clinical research services for various healthcare stakeholders. 

final-updated-Approaching Life Sciences and Retail Challenges from a Data Perspective – with Alberto Rizolli of V7

Approaching Life Sciences and Retail Challenges from a Data Perspective – with Alberto Rizzoli of V7

Problems in different industries can look quite similar when looked at from the perspective of data. Though diverse business problems originate from distinct domains and needs, they often share a common thread and solution.