AI Articles and Analysis in Healthcare

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in healthcare, including coverage of diagnostics, pharma, drug development, medical billing, and more.

Cybersecurity in Healthcare - Comparing 5 AI-based Vendor Offerings

Cybersecurity in Healthcare – Comparing 5 AI-based Vendor Offerings

The healthcare industry is evolving into an increasingly digital environment, and as a result cybersecurity continues to be a top priority for protecting sensitive data such as financial records and patient medical records.

AI in Pathology

AI in Pathology – Use Cases in Slide Imaging, Tissue Phenomics, and More

AI and machine learning software are beginning to integrate themselves as tools for efficiency and accuracy within pathology. According to a March 2018 digital pathology report produced by Allied Market Research, such software enables the “procurement, management and interpretation” of information and can be applied to multiple functions within the field of healthcare.

Applications of Machine Vision in Heavy Industry 1

Artificial Intelligence and the Opioid Epidemic – Applications for Relapse Treatment, Abuse Prevention, and More

The opioid overdose crisis continues to maintain a strong grip on the nation. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the epidemic claims more than 115 lives in the United States every day.

Chatbots for Mental Health and Therapy - Comparing 7 Current Apps and Use Cases

Chatbots for Mental Health and Therapy – Comparing 5 Current Apps and Use Cases

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the array of mental disorders include depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders including autism.

AI for Hearing Loss - Tech Advances in Hearing Aids, Predicting Hearing Loss, and Improving Quality of Life for the Hearing Impaired

AI for Hearing Loss – Tech Advances in Hearing Aids, Predicting Hearing Loss, and More

Hearing loss is a condition affecting an estimated 48 million individuals in the U.S. While the degree of severity may vary across age groups, the Hearing Loss Association of America reports that hearing loss ranks third after arthritis and heart disease among the most common physical ailments.

AI for Voice Transcription - Comparing Upcoming Startups and Established Players

AI for Voice Transcription – Comparing Upcoming Startups and Established Players

Artificial intelligence -- especially machine learning -- is at it’s best when it is working with a large, analyzable data set, like text. But much of the data in the world isn’t in text form. Instead, it’s in the form of spoken words on video and audio recordings or even live events. This makes reliable voice transcription an important goal for artificial intelligence.

Will Doctors Fear Being Replaced by AI in the Hospital Settling? 2

Will Doctors Fear Being Replaced by AI in the Hospital Settling?

The implementation of artificial intelligence applications in the healthcare space is poised to impact clinical workflows, physician training and the medical education model. A recent report by Accenture predicts that the AI health market will grow to an estimated $6.6 billion by 2021 and a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40 percent. This represents a significant increase from a market size of $600 million in 2014.

Machine Learning for Dermatology 4

Machine Learning for Dermatology – 5 Current Applications

Dermatology is defined as a branch of medicine primarily focused on the evaluation and treatment of skin disorders, including hair and nails. Market research firm BCC Research projects that the global market for skin disease treatment technologies will reach $20.4 billion in 2020. Based on $17.1 billion in market revenue in 2015, this anticipated increase represents a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6 percent.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in healthcare, including coverage of diagnostics, pharma, drug development, medical billing, and more.