AI Articles and Analysis in Healthcare

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in healthcare, including coverage of diagnostics, pharma, drug development, medical billing, and more.

Data Management Challenges in the Healthcare Industry

Overcoming Data Challenges for AI in the Healthcare Industry

Episode Summary: There's a lot of venture money pouring into artificial intelligence in healthcare. From pharma to hospitals and beyond, the potential applications in healthcare are promising. 

Machine Vision In Pharma - Current Applications

Machine Vision In Pharma – Current Applications

Business leaders in pharmaceuticals may be concerned with how machine vision will affect their operations in the clinical and scientific departments more than those of packaging and administration. However, prioritizing these types of operations may not provide the ROI as it’s hyped up to be. Instead, there are many possibilities for machine vision in pharmaceuticals related to packaging, shipping, and data entry.

Predictive Analytics in the Pharma - Current Applications

Predictive Analytics in Pharma – Current Applications

It may feel as though AI applications like machine vision and natural language processing hold the most potential value to pharmaceutical companies because of their capabilities to intake and transform unstructured medical data. This is especially true with machine vision, as medical imaging data can be used across multiple departments when analyzed by AI software.

Natural Language Processing in Healthcare – Current Applications

Natural Language Processing in Healthcare – Current Applications

When it comes to the healthcare industry, one might be able to think of numerous use cases for AI approaches like machine vision or predictive analytics. However, the applications of natural language processing (NLP) in healthcare are just as varied.

AI for Health Insurance Fraud Detection - Current Applications

AI for Health Insurance Fraud Detection – Current Applications

Health insurance fraud may prove especially pressing due to the opioid epidemic, and thus routing out fraud could be of greater importance in the coming years.

AI in the Indian Healthcare Sector - Current Applications

AI in the Indian Healthcare Sector – Current Applications

There are many Indian startups claiming to develop artificial intelligence software to help the healthcare industry. However, their websites are filled with marketing terms and hype that could lead one to believe a company leverages AI when it does not. In sectors with a booming landscape of startups, we caution readers to take a closer look at each company before considering any of their solutions.

AI for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Management and Compliance

AI for Affordable Care Act (ACA) Management and Compliance

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has significantly changed the landscape for how healthcare providers can be reimbursed by insurers. They are now reimbursed based on the guidelines set by Value-based Purchasing (VBP) models. This type of payment model reimburses the healthcare provider based on the quality of their work with the insured patient.

Big Data in Healthcare - 4 Current Applications

Big Data in Healthcare – 4 Data Management Software with AI Capabilities

The healthcare industry is perhaps second only to finance when it comes to the sheer amount of historical data available for use with artificial intelligence. Data from EMRs, insurance claims, clinical trials, and drug research and development can all be pulled into a machine learning algorithm to generate insights on patient behavior, patient risk, and effective treatments for a variety of conditions, among a variety of others.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in healthcare, including coverage of diagnostics, pharma, drug development, medical billing, and more.