AI Articles and Analysis about Security

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.

UNICRI on responsible AI criteria and other tool kits@2x-min

UNICRI-Approved Responsible AI Toolkits for Law Enforcement

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) was established in 1968 as an autonomous institution in response to a United Nations resolution urging expanded crime prevention and criminal justice activities. UNICRI's mission is to advance justice, crime prevention, security, and the rule of law to support peace, human rights, and sustainable development. 

AI at State Farm@1x-min

Artificial Intelligence at State Farm

State Farm is a large insurance company headquartered in Bloomington, Illinois. Its main lines of business include property and casualty insurance, as well as auto insurance. The company is the leading auto and home insurer in the United States.

AI Communications Surveillance-1x min

AI for Communications Surveillance and Compliance – Two Use Cases

Communications surveillance in financial services involves both monitoring and analyzing electronic communications within a financial institution to prevent fraud, ensure regulatory compliance, identify and manage risks resulting from inappropriate activity, and maintain integrity in financial markets. 

Retail Fraud & Loss Prevention in Data, Brick-and-Mortar and Beyond – with Chris Nelson of Gap Inc.@2x-min

Retail Fraud & Loss Prevention in Data, Brick-and-Mortar and Beyond – with Chris Nelson of Gap Inc.

Retail fraud and loss prevention have always been significant business concerns impacting profitability and customer trust. However, with the emergence of AI technologies, there is a newfound potential to combat these challenges more effectively. 

001 – Overcoming Cultural Challenges of AI Adoption in Defense – with Shannon Clark of Palantir-min

Overcoming Cultural Challenges of AI Adoption in Defense – with Shannon Clark of Palantir

AI adoption poses several challenges for organizations, including the need for specialized skills and expertise, integration with legacy systems, data quality and accessibility, and the ethical implications of AI.

002 – AI at MetLife-min

Artificial Intelligence at MetLife – Three Use Cases

MetLife is a leading global insurance company headquartered in New York City. It provides its customers various insurance and financial services, including life insurance, health insurance, retirement plans, and investment management.

AI for Theft Prevention and Process Adherence - with Alan from Everseen

AI for Theft Prevention and Process Adherence – with Alan O’Herlihy from Everseen

Episode summary: In this episode, we speak with Alan O'Herlihy, Founder and CEO of Ireland-based Everseen. Alan speaks to us about how machine vision systems can be used to detect theft or mistakes at a checkout counter (including forgetting to scan items, customers intentionally hiding items, and more). Alan not only explains where these technologies are in use today, but he also breaks down some of his own predictions about what these computer vision systems might make possible in the workplace of tomorrow.

Artificial Intelligence at AT&T

Artificial Intelligence at AT&T – Two Current Use-Cases

AT&T traces its history to 1875 when Bell Telephone was founded soon after Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone. Today, AT&T is the world’s largest telecom and the largest mobile telephone service provider in the US. 


Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.