AI Articles and Analysis about Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.

AI-enabled Enterprise Search - Faggella sinequa copy

Intelligent Search in Banking and Financial Services – Current Capabilities

Financial institutions have challenges around data accessibility. They want to leverage their large amounts of data so their employees, such as customer service agents, can find the information they need quickly.

Voice Recognition in Healthcare - A Brief Overview

Voice Recognition in Healthcare – A Brief Overview

In this brief overview, we run through several use-cases for voice recognition software in the healthcare industry. Voice recognition software, built on natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, primarily finds a home in the doctor's office. Physicians use it to dictate their notes into their healthcare network's system or update patient electronic medical records (EMR).

AI-Based Document Digitization - An Enterprise Guide

AI-Based Document Digitization – An Enterprise Guide

Many of the key processes in industries such as banking and insurance are still done on paper. That said, many large enterprises seem to be in the process of digitizing parts of these processes in order to prepare for forays into automation and artificial intelligence. 

Top 5 Most Well-Funded AI Startups In Banking - Common Themes

Top 5 AI Startups in Banking by Funding – A Brief Overview

There are numerous AI vendors servicing the banking industry, but many of them lack the kind of funding that these five vendors have raised. In this article, we run through the top 5 AI vendors in banking by funding according to information on Owler. We provide an overview of their products and the AI tech that makes them possible.

Process Automation Fundamentals for Digital Transformation Leaders

Process Automation Fundamentals for Digital Transformation Leaders

When it comes to process automation, digital transformation leaders are now navigating the artificial intelligence hype. Although AI can yield some impressive results when it comes to digitizing processes that still involve paper and reducing the time customer service agents spend searching for customer information, leaders are perhaps too excited to jump into AI without knowing the fundamentals of what it entails.

Text Mining in Banking - An Overview of Capabilities

Text Mining in Banking – A Brief Overview of Capabilities

Banks are starting to deploy natural language processing (NLP) to make use of enterprise and customer data in text mining applications ranging from gauging customer sentiments to enterprise search.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Insurance - Current Applications

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Insurance – Current Applications

Robotic process automation, or RPA, has dominated much of the automation conversation in the insurance industry for several years. RPA is able to capture manual steps that employees take to log into software, search documents, and enter data and replicate them.

AI-based Business Process Management in Banking - Current Use-Cases

AI-based Business Process Management in Banking – Current Use-Cases

Business process management (BPM) in banking involves the automation of operations management by identifying, modeling, analyzing, and improving business processes. Many banks already have some form of BPM for various process. For example, compliance processes at most banks tend to have some form of software automation in their workflows.

Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.