AI Articles and Analysis about Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.

Marshall Brain on Technological Unemployment and the Role of Man and Machine

Marshall Brain on Technological Unemployment and the Role of Man and Machine

Episode summary: Marshall Brain discusses how wetware (the human brain) is increasingly becoming a part of a bigger system which may in itself be managed by software systems. The roles and relationships of humans and machines are rapidly changing. With the increasing advances in technology, there are fewer and fewer skills or activities that an enterprise needs from human beings, and they only need those until they can be replaced by software or hardware.

Automated Journalism - AI Applications at New York Times, Reuters, and Other Media Giants

Automated Journalism – AI Applications at New York Times, Reuters, and Other Media Giants

Artificial intelligence in news media is being used in new ways from speeding up research to accumulating and cross-referencing data and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence in Commercial Real Estate: Three Ways AI Can Drive Savings

Artificial Intelligence in Commercial Real Estate: Three Ways AI Can Drive Savings

Real estate is a cost for nearly every business, whether leasing, owning or managing.

Process automation from AI offers a tremendous opportunity to lower costs associated with commercial real estate, especially those associated property management.

Artificial Intelligence in Banking 950×540

AI in Banking – An Analysis of America’s 7 Top Banks

While tech giants tend to hog the limelight on the cutting-edge of technology, AI in banking and other facets of the financial sector is showing signs of interest and adoption even among the banking incumbents.

Rebellion Research Alexander Fleiss

Rebellion Research’s Alexander Fleiss – How AI is Eating Finance

Episode summary: Although machine learning in finance is far from new, it is merely at the cusp of a much wider set of applications (in all segments of finance, from insurance to bookkeeping and beyond). Already machine learning has overhauled so many aspects of the financial landscape, from accounting to trading, and it is destined to have more and more impact as it develops further. Guest Alexander Fleiss and his team at Rebellion Research are developing and using AI which uses quantitative analysis to pick investments. Fleiss discusses the current status of machine learning in the world of finance as well as lesser-known niche applications that don’t make headlines - but do make a big impact on how businesses are run. He then goes on to explore the effects of future innovative applications of AI in the financial domain.

Fast Food Robots, Kiosks, and AI Use Cases from 6 Restaurant Chain Giants

Fast Food Robots, Kiosks, and AI Use Cases from 6 Restaurant Chain Giants

Burger flipping is often used as derogatory shorthand for low-skilled, low-tech work, but fast food companies have been making major investments in automation, apps, analytics, artificial intelligence, and robotics. We set out to ask the questions that business leaders would need to know:


Cognitive Procurement – Where it Will (and Will Not) Impact the Enterprise

There’s a lot of buzz about artificial intelligence shaking up enterprise procurement over the next five years. Procurement leaders wonder what elements of their jobs will be augmented - or even fully automated - by the intelligent systems. Which roles are secure from full automation, and how will more “automate-able” jobs have to adapt in the years ahead?

Investing in AI Healthcare Applications – and Why Doctors Don't Want to Be Replaced

Investing in AI Healthcare Applications – and Why Doctors Don’t Want to Be Replaced

Episode Summary: Venture investing in AI healthcare applications has been on the uptick and is directly related to the subject of this week's episode: just how the healthcare industry is (and isn't) being impacted by innovations in AI technology. Guest Steve Gullans of Boston-Based Excel Venture Management talks about some of the various healthcare-related ML and AI applications that he sees being brought to light, and touches on which innovations have a better chance of getting blocked and redirected by parties of interest and those that have more promise in being accepted and rolled out sooner.

Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.