AI Articles and Analysis about Logistics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for logistics, including applications for supply chain management, emergency management, and more.

AI Adoption in Storytelling and Procurement – v.1-1-min

AI Adoption in Storytelling and Procurement – with Edmund Zagorin of Arkestro and Len DeCandia of Johnson & Johnson

This interview analysis is sponsored by Arkestro and was written, edited, and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

01 – Artificial Intelligence at IQVIA@1x-min

Artificial Intelligence at Dell

Dell Technologies Inc., or simply 'Dell', is a Texas-based multinational technology company. Dell is predominantly known for its personal computing products, particularly its desktops, laptops, and workstations. Gradually, the company branched out into other product and service offerings, including network equipment, software and cloud solutions, and automation services.

AI and B2B Customer Journey Signals – with Carlos Quezada of Hewlett Packard Enterprises@1x-min

AI and B2b Customer Journey Signals – with Carlos Quezada of Hewlett Packard Enterprises

Companies that use AI copilots experience numerous benefits, including streamlined processes, improved customer experience, and cost savings. Large language models (LLMs) form the basis of many AI copilot applications. While LLMs have a remarkable capacity to generate humanlike text, that same capability is the reason businesses need to exercise caution in order to prevent misapplications of this otherwise transformative technology. 

Artificial Intelligence at Procter & Gamble@2x-min

Artificial Intelligence at Procter & Gamble

Procter and Gamble (P&G) is an American multinational goods corporation. The company is well known for its fabric & home care, family care, beauty, healthcare, and grooming products. P&G owns several of the most well-known brand names in the world, including Pampers, Tide, Gillette, Always, Head & Shoulders, and many more. 

UNICRI on responsible AI criteria and other tool kits@2x-min

UNICRI-Approved Responsible AI Toolkits for Law Enforcement

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) was established in 1968 as an autonomous institution in response to a United Nations resolution urging expanded crime prevention and criminal justice activities. UNICRI's mission is to advance justice, crime prevention, security, and the rule of law to support peace, human rights, and sustainable development. 

Var.1_Streamlining Field Services with AI – with Leaders from Aquant, Xylem and Johnson Control

Streamlining Field Services with AI – with Leaders from Aquant, Xylem and Johnson Controls

This interview analysis is sponsored by Aquant and was written, edited and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

final-updated-Approaching Life Sciences and Retail Challenges from a Data Perspective – with Alberto Rizolli of V7

Approaching Life Sciences and Retail Challenges from a Data Perspective – with Alberto Rizzoli of V7

Problems in different industries can look quite similar when looked at from the perspective of data. Though diverse business problems originate from distinct domains and needs, they often share a common thread and solution. 

Avoiding Disurptions in Supply Chains with AI – Two Use Cases@1x

AI for Avoiding Supply Chain Disruptions – Two Use Cases

This article is co-authored by Rudrendu Paul

Global supply chains face mounting disruptions - pandemic aftershocks, geopolitical conflicts like the Ukraine war, climate events like flooding in Malaysia, and cyber-attacks - all of which have created massive bottlenecks. According to the World Economic Forum, global supply chains are facing the worst shortages in 50 years due to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.


Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for logistics, including applications for supply chain management, emergency management, and more.