AI Articles and Analysis about Automation and robotics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for automation and robotics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.

Surgical Robotics and AI - What's Possible Today?

Machine Learning in Surgical Robotics – 4 Applications That Matter

The application of robotics in surgery has steadily grown since it began in the 1980s. In contrast, the integration of artificial intelligence in this sector is still fairly new. As promising applications, predominantly in the research and development phase, begin to the surface we aim to answer the important questions that business leaders are asking today:

AI in Mining - Mineral Exploration, Autonomous Drills, and More

AI in Mining – Mineral Exploration, Autonomous Drills, and More

Mining is a major worldwide industry producing everything from coal to gold. According to a PWC annual report, the top 40 mining companies have a market capitalization of $748 billion as of April 2017. The industry as a whole saw a slump in 2015 but since then the sector has recovered due to rising commodity prices.

Agricultural Robots - Present and Future Applications (Videos Included)

Agricultural Robots – Present and Future Applications (Videos Included)

Artificial intelligence is gaining traction in the agricultural industry and is steadily being integrated in robotics developed for this sector. As automated technologies penetrate the market, we aim to answer the important questions that business leaders are asking today:

Robot Tax - A Summary of Arguments "For" and "Against"

Robot Tax – A Summary of Arguments “For” and “Against”

Both artificial intelligence and robotics have been improving over the past few years. Large companies are betting billions that in the near future we will have cars that can drive themselves, drones that can fly themselves to deliver packages, automatic fast food chefs, AI personal assistants, manufacturing robots that can train themselves and other robots, etc.

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AI in Agriculture – Present Applications and Impact

Agriculture is both a major industry and foundation of the economy. In 2016, the estimated value added by the agricultural industry was estimated at just under 1 percent of the US GDP. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that agriculture contributes roughly $330 billion in annual revenue to the economy.

Examples of AI in Restaurants and Food Services

Examples of AI in Restaurants and Food Services

The food service industry is an economic staple generating billions of dollars in annual revenue and representing 2.1 percent of the U.S. GDP in 2016. Technology has made on-demand food ordering possible and the industry is pivoting towards more innovative approaches to meet and exceed customer expectations. As a result, artificial intelligence applications are steadily making their way into the food service industry.

Computer Vision for Body Language - How it Works and How it Could be Used

Computer Vision for Body Language – How it Works and How it Could be Used

As a human, we can often understand the mood, intention, and future action of another person just by looking at them. We see their posture, their facial expression, where their eyes are focused, and we can get a decent understanding of what they might do next. The problem of computer vision for body language is a much harder problem to solve, but we are indeed making progress.

Biped Robot Timelines - How Long Until Robots Move Like Humans?

Biped Robot Timelines – How Long Until Robots Move Like Humans?

Our cities, streets, homes, and businesses are built for beings that walk on two legs (biped). From stairs to the shape of hallways to the placement of kitchen cabinets, all have been designed for bipeds. The fact that a society of two-legged creatures designed everything around them for bipeds is so obvious most people don’t even think about it, but it becomes a serious issue when talking about the future of robotics.

Automation and robotics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for automation and robotics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.