Daniel Faggella is founder of Emerj Artificial Intelligence Research, and is best known for being an unbiased voice covering the applications and implications or artificial intelligence in industry and society.
Daniel regularly speaks for audiences of businesses and government leaders, with a focus on the critical near-term implications of artificial intelligence across major sectors – including presentations for the World Bank, the United Nations, INTERPOL, and global pharmaceutical and banking companies.
Tens of thousands of businesspeople tune in weekly to hear Daniel’s interviews with top AI executives and researchers in Emerj’s “AI in Industry Podcast.”
Daniel has given presentations on AI and emerging technologies at TEDx events, at nearly all the Ivy League universities (Yale, Brown, Harvard, etc), and some of the largest artificial intelligence events. He has written for and been featured in many of the world’s best-known technology and business publications, including the Harvard Business Review, TechCrunch, Pew Research Center, Xconomy, and many more.
At the end of 2012, finishing a Master’s degree in cognitive science of UPENN, Dan became convinced that further developments in intelligence and sentience would come not merely from new models of thinking about the mind, but from artificial intelligence and neuroscience. He has since dedicated his life to guiding the developments of technology and policy that may well guide life beyond humanity.
Rather than raise institutional funds at an early stage, Dan initially funded Emerj with exits of his last two businesses (including his last 7-figure eCommerce business, Science of Skill).
While studying for his Master’s degree at UPENN, Daniel received a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He won gold in nearly a dozen national and international Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions, including the No Gi Pan American games in 2011. He is best known for defeating larger opponents, including his 12-second victory over 220-pound UFC fighter Pat Walsh.
Originally from Wakefield, Rhode Island, he now lives in Boston.
Twitter: @danfaggella
LinkedIn: /danfaggella
Visit Dan’s bio page for a short speaker bio or a full-length bio.