Google Glass Adds Mind Reading App
Google intends to make mind control a thing of the present by introducing a new app for Google Glass. Daily Digest News announced that the company has collaborated with UK tech startup The Place in the development of a new app that allows users to take photographs and share them online simply by thinking. The aptly named MindRDR, receives information from an EEG headband and translates it into instructions, which are sent back to Google Glass. As the user focuses, a white line appears on the display screen. The line grows as the user concentrates, when it’s full, the built-in camera will take a picture.
A New Robot to do the Heavy Lifting
Drone Robotics is planning to produce a new line of robots that can assist people who have physical restrictions a Street Insider reports. The robots, known as the Alpha series, will be produced in a number of different forms, depending on their intended application. For example, if you need a robot that can lift heavy objects, but also need them to be raised in the air you can buy an Alpha that also has a scissor lift. The robots have built-in cameras and GPS systems to allow for easy manipulation. Drones Robotics foresees many applications for the Alpha robots in industries such as, airports, warehouses, hospitals and department stores. Ultimately, the robot will even be able to stock supermarket shelves by integrating with the store’s inventory. The production of the Alpha series is due to begin in 2015.
Ladybird Robot to Help Farmers Save Agriculture
A research team led by Professor Salah Sukkarieh at Sydney University, has developed a solar powered, autonomous robot that can travel around a farm, mapping and classifying crops and collating data about soil conditions and threats from pests, says a recent Gizmag report. The Ladybird robot has all-wheel steering that allows it to travel among crops without disrupting the soil. The robot has already been tested on a farm in New South Wales, tending onions, beets and spinach, where the device was able to function for three days after just one battery charge.
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